Learning blender

and making cool things along the way

Learning the basics and playing around with new features

Horror Goblet

This was my first time making more detailed models in blender and my FIRST TIME EVER creating liquid simulations before. Despite it being a little bit of a clunky first attempt, I was super happy with how this came out and just having the ability to play around with a new CG feature that hadn’t been accessible to me before.

Using Maya on a MacBook was limiting, but Blender allowed me to have fun toying with simulations in ways that would make a program like Maya crash and I thought that was really cool.

Ghost Dance

While I had dabbled with cloth simulation in Maya before, I thought it wold be extra cool to make an animation with active cloth simulation, this the twirling ghosts. There was some troubleshooting with speed, animation paths, friction, and clipping that needed to be figured out along the way, but it was super cool to see the cloth I made move in real time without taking my computer out with it.

I also decided that I would play around with more of Blender’s texturing nodes, making the glowing cloth material, and cool tile texture chamber that showed me just how elaborate the textures you can make in Blender can get.

Using Simulations to Tell Stories

Dinner Party

This was an exercise I did where I made vignettes in blender that would help tell an overarching narrative with just a few simple images.

While the animation isn’t extensive in each of these vignettes, I did delve more into lighting, rendering, staging, and the use of Blender’s extensive texture library. I also sought to utilize what I had learned thus far about the simulations for cloth and liquid that I had learned thus far, and find ways to apply them in the vignettes.

The story itself is about a friend being invited over for dinner, who finds that their host intends to make a dinner out of them instead. I was heavily inspired by the Hannibal TV show that came out on NBC a while ago and wanted to see if I could translate that atmosphere into the vignettes I created.
